Ein Kurzfilm von Anastassiya Ponomaryova, Maria Cementwala und Jan Kotkowski.
«New flat – new life!»
I open the door. At the beginning I think that I have never been here before. Shadows is drawing incredible scary figures but I see that they just tried to change the real picture and confuse me. It is unfamiliar space for me but at the same time I can feel that I should not scary it … It`s strange but I can remind this walls, but do not think that I have seen them before. (She touches the walls. It starts a dialogue between man and woman about the love, and she feel the trembling in her body. She cannot see face of the persons. It is just feeling on what was here before.)
Aufgabe war es ein Filmset zu gestalten in dem keine agierenden Personen anwesend sind. Das Set sollte für sich sprechen.
Das Modell und der Kurzfilm sind im Seminar Puppenlos unter der Leitung von Susanne Kleinlein entstanden.